artist writing
Cambridge, Ma
North America, Europe
25.5 x 20 cm

artist book
New York
North America
16.5 x 23.1 cm

New York
North America
13.2 x 20.3 cm

This book is a collection of essays by Teju Cole, an American writer and photographer. These essays reflect on his experience of being black and living a cosmopolitan lifestyle in an (only sometimes) cosmopolitan world. It’s an analysis of writing, music, conversations, places and images that he loves or that have disturbed him. When Cole considers each of these he translates his responses into a kind of personal archive, that counteracts rootlessness and condenses them into something that has shared meaning.
Topics: globalised cultures, history and memory, literature, postcolonialism, writing

17.7 x 21.8 cm

theory & essays
New York, N.Y.
North America, South and Central America, Europe, East Asia
17.2 x 24.6 cm

theory & essays
North America
24.1 x 16.7 cm

theory & essays
Minneapolis, Minn.
Europe, North America
15.2 x 20.3 cm

theory & essays
North America
15.2 x 22.8 cm

theory & essays
North America, South and Central America, Europe, South Asia
20 x 25 cm

theory & essays
Europe, North America
12.5 x 19.5 cm

Martin Herbert introduces us in his essay collection Tell Them I Said No to 10 artists that have all for different reasons and in different forms decided to withdraw from the art world and its mechanisms. Amongst them are David Hammons, Agnes Martin, Lutz Bacher and Trisha Donelly. Herbert looks in detail at how their practices are shaped by strategies to counter established patterns and positions of power and dominance and instead foster the artists’ independence, each withdrawal comes with different implications.
Topics: alternative communities, criticism, institutions, writing

theory & essays
New Haven, Conn.
19.5 x 25.5 cm

theory & essays
New York, N.Y.
North America, Europe
16.5 x 24.7 cm

theory & essays
Brooklyn, N. Y.
North America

theory & essays
Brooklyn, N. Y.
North America
20 x 26,5 cm

artist writing
New York, N.Y.
North America
14 x 19 cm

theory & essays
Minneapolis, Minn.
North America, Europe, Central and South America, Africa
17.8 x 25.4 cm

Jill Casid is a historian, theorist and practising artist based in the US. This study draws on an extraordinary range of resources for cultural criticism to explore colonial landscapes in the eighteenth century and their legacy today. In tracing the language and visual culture of plants and horticulture from literature, botanical illustration, garden design, and written archives she considers associations between colonial landscapes and heteronormativity. Casid gathers together and multiplies feminist, queer and postcolonial readings of concepts such as hybridity, productivity, fertility, rootedness, and displacement.
Topics: embodied identities, history and memory, landscape, materiality, postcolonial, race, writing